Last day on 4 legs

Today is Dieter’s last day on 4 legs.  I had to go into school today and was cranky and antsy to get home.  I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.  Once home, the dogs mobbed me and it all felt so…normal.  They jostled and jockeyed for the closest position to me.  A reminder that Dieter really is just being Dieter.  And Otto is being Otto.  And that’s not going to change any time soon.  I feel pretty prepared and still have about 30 questions for the surgeon and a last-minute shopping list (haha) but Linda (TriTuck) made a good point in a comment on one of my other posts.  Be ready for emotional events.  I have some important school/work related stuff coming up while Dieter will be in recovery in the hospital, so after tomorrow morning, I’m going to try my best to take things one hour at a time.  If that doesn’t work, then I can scale down to 1/2 hour at a time, or less if need be.

Here’s a picture of him from this afternoon.  I like this view, because this is exactly what he’ll look like post-amputation.  I have never taken my dogs for granted, but I’m determined to use this opportunity to make some changes in my life.  It’s going to be more dog-centered, and that’s not a bad thing.

Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me to the site and offered their advice and support.  It is greatly appreciated!


D 11-18-13

5 thoughts on “Last day on 4 legs”

  1. OH Dieter you are ONE HANDSOME BOY! Here’s a tip someone gave me the night before Jill’s surgery that I love to pass on, because it made me feel better………I slept in an old shirt I didn’t care about the night before the surgery so it was fresh with my scent and gave it to the nurses and they put it with Jill as she was waking up from surgery. It made me feel better as one of my biggest concerns was that shed be waking up from surgery wondering where her mom was. Who the heck knows if she really did – theyre pretty high on drugs at that point, but it made ME feel better. And when I got to the hospital to visit her that night, she was curled up on that shirt, snuggled away.
    Best of luck tomorrow – please keep us posted!
    Erica & Tripawd Kitty Jill

  2. Last day or four legs and with pain…..-…..

    Tomorrow is first day on three legs and NO pain!!

    Not to say that major surgery is exactly pain-free! But recovery WILL take place and Dieter will indeed still be Dieter.

    Well…that’s not quite true…Dieter will even be MORE loved and MORE spoiled than you, or he, ever dreamed possible!

    You have a lot of inner strength and that will be picked up on by Dieter. He won’t care about his leg being taken off. He will be whole and complete because you will see him that way. Your confidence in him and your love for him will help him adjust very quickly.

    Dieter and Otto will continue you exactly as they have…..except, of course, Dieter won’t have any pain.

    One of my happiest times when I anxiously went to pick Happy Hannah up after surgery was seeing her tail wag with such exuberance that it almost knocked me over! Can’t wait to hear about your homecoming with Dieter.

    Sending you positive energy for a quick recovery

    Post as soon as he gets out of surgery, okay?

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. Sending pawsitive thoughts your way. We’ll be thinking of you and your family and will wait for updates.

    You will be amazed at how different your bond will be with Dieter now. It’s not that you love them anymore, but it just seems closer after making this journey together.

    Take care-
    Luanne and Spirit Shooter

  4. Good luck to Dieter and you tomorrow!

    I have faith it will all go well and he will return home and surprise you with the amazing resilience that all of our tripawds have demonstrated.


    Linda and Tucker

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